Premalu, which translates to "love," is a romantic comedy film released in 2024 in the Indian Malayalam language. It was produced by Bhavana Studios and directed by Girish A. D.; it stars Fahadh Faasil, Friends, and Working Class Hero. Along with Sangeeth Prathap, Shyam Mohan, Meenakshi Raveendran, Akhila Bhargavan, Mathew Thomas, and Althaf Salim, the film stars Naslen K. Gafoor and Mamitha Baiju. In the movie, Sachin Santhosh, a Kerala graduate who had intended to move to the UK, decides to enroll in a GATE course in Hyderabad instead, where he meets and falls in love with Reenu Roy, an IT business employee.

Since it is the fifth production for Bhavana Studios, the movie was formally announced in July 2023 under the working title Production No. 5.

On February 9, 2024, Premalu was released in theaters to great reviews and appreciation for its humor, directing, storyline, soundtrack, and acting.[7] It is currently the fourth highest-grossing Malayalam movie of 2024 and the sixth highest-grossing Malayalam movie of all time. Premalu 2, a follow-up, is currently being developed. 
The following morning, Reenu goes to the airport with Sachin, Amal, and the latter's geeky cousin, Thomas. While traveling, Reenu accuses Sachin of avoiding her and running after Aadhi and his goons, frightening them. Reenu eventually admits her affections for Sachin under the turmoil, but Aadhi and his soldiers cut her off. They reach the airport on schedule, though, because Reenu stops the attack with the pepper spray that Aadhi gave them for self-defense against Aadhi and his men. Reenu and Sachin say goodbye to one another and decide to pursue a romance across distance.

In a flashback, Karthika starts a conversation regarding Reenu's expectations of her future partner while she, Wanderlust, and Reenu are sitting on a terrace. 

Disney+ Hotstar purchased the internet streaming rights, while Asianet purchased the satellite rights. On April 12, 2024, the movie made its digital debut on the streaming service.[18] The Telugu dub debuted on Aha that same day. Soon, Premalu will be accessible for streaming in Tamil and Hindi as well.[19]

As of March 21, 2024, Premalu has made over ₹95 crore in India and an additional ₹40 crore elsewhere, for a total of ₹136 crore worldwide.